Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Indiana with Julie

Last week I talked about how I really wanted to get out of town for the weekend. I had hoped for Orlando, but it wasn't in the cards for the weekend. LAX, SLC, CVG, DTW, PDX and other locations I typically visit were booked solid. I put out a message on Pilot Wives Club to see if anyone wanted to get together for the weekend. Julie in Indiana was more than happy to have me visit while her husband was on a weekend trip. We had a phone number miscommunique Friday night, but we talked on the phone for an hour and decided that I should try to fly out Saturday morning on the first flight.
Julie picked me up from SBN around noon on Saturday. First we went to Michigan City, IN to the Lighthouse Factory Stores. I scored some cute yoga pants at the Old Navy Outlet, and a little hunk of maple fudge from the dessert shop. Next we went to Mt. Baldy and the beach of Lake Michigan.
We had to climb the crest of Mt. Baldy around through some sand dunes to finally see the lake. When we made it to the top, the view was beautiful!

Here's me above the beach!
Julie and I took a few pictures, but I think the better ones are on her camera. I kept having issues with my zoom, and ended up with a bunch of closeups.
Two adventurous pilot wives = Fun!
Mount Baldy is actually a big sand dune next to the lake. It was deceptively further to the beach than we anticipated. Luckily, we got a lot of excercise in the process, and proceded to blow our efforts at a little pub in town.
We had to do a lot of driving on rural roads. Here is Fail Road. Awesome.
Our next stop was back in South Bend at the Notre Dame campus. I decided I'm an absolute college campus junkie. I love the vibrant spirit of the students, the mix of historical and modern achitecture, the abundant walkways, and the beautiful cathedrals.
This was my favorite shot on campus.

We ran into Bagpipe Band practice, and listened for a few minutes.
Jesus statue
"Touchdown Jesus"

After Notre Dame, we saw "Revolutionary Road" at the dollar theater. On the way back to her home, I saw a DEL TACO and made her practically swerve across lanes to be able to turn right to get to it. I got my two 99-cent chicken soft tacos that I've been craving for months. When we got back to her house, we logged into the Pilot Wives Club chat for an hour or so. We tried to start a movie, but both of us were dozing within 15 minutes. And because my flight departed at 5:50, and we had to be up at 4:00...we tucked in at 12:30. What a weekend!


Janelle said...

You have such a fun life Nicole! Plus, you are a great writer by the way!

Kemi said...

What a fun trip! You're quite the jet-setting mama. (I'm not at ALL jealous... hee hee)

Nicole said...

I am very fortunate to have a husband that provides me with time to myself when I need it, and free flights. Part of the fun is creativity...I couldn't spend a lot, so I settled on a place where we basically picked stuff off a map to visit. Between meals, new pants, treats, and movie...I had a blast for less than $25. Much cheaper than a session with a shrink.

Life isn't all fun and games, but reporting about the fun is an important part of my blog for me. I'm a yellow - which means I thrive on and seek out fun. Without it, I'm a sad and dull person.

Lori said...

I always enjoy reading about your adventures. I second Janelle, you DO have a fun life!

Hizzeather said...

Ummm...I had no idea that Indiana had beaches. I'm dumber than I thought! :)

Nicole said...

Common misconception, I'm sure! The top corner of the state is on Lake Michigan. It's no Huntington Beach...but the water laps up onto the sand enough to pretend that it's a very calm ocean.

Anonymous said...

I wish I got free flights! It looks like you both had a lot of fun-I'm jealous!

Mary P said...

Del Taco has my favorite Chili Fries (yes, I love them more than Tommy's) but I always get a Chicken Soft Taco too!

Misty said...

So cool! If nothing else, this pilot-wife lifestyle provides one with plenty of memories, doesn't it?

Lia said...

I'm so glad you got to go somewhere! I love the close up pictures and my favorite picture was looking up the hill of the sand dune with the dead trees. Cool pic!!

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